Cloister in Los Arcos on the Camino de Santiago

Cloister in Los Arcos on the Camino de Santiago

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Barry Wyse 1951-2022 RIP

My friend and fellow pilgrim Barry Wyse passed away yesterday (21/6/22) after a long battle with cancer. He fought optimistically to the end and only two months ago we were planning to walk the way of St  Declan from Tipperary to Ardmore in Waterford  Barry and I walked parts of the Camino on three occasions. He was a pleasant and wonderful companion. I will miss him  this poem looked to a time after COVID when we would don our hiking boots again. Alas not to be

Post Script. In September (2022), in Barry’s memory, fellow pilgrim Fraser and I donned our hiking boots and took in parts of St. Declan’s Way including a memorable tour of the Rock of Cashel in the rain, a pleasant evening in Lismore where it continued raining, a delightful walk along the river Suir to Cappoquin, a journey through the Nire Valley and finally our destination, exquisite Ardmore where a late lunch and an early dinner intersected in the White Horse Restaurant  The final day saw us walk the cliff loop to the ancient monastery ruins  on the way back to Dublin we called into Mount Mellary where we again remembered Barry and his translucent faith  

 Pilgrim brother on the journey 

Pilgrim brother on the journey

Through the dusty roads of Spain

Along the path that winds from France 

Through the woods and through the trees 

To the plains of wide Castile. 

Here we are a decade later

Needing hope to fill our soul

But we look with faith and love

To a time when we greet the morn 

Walking westward, faith reborn. 

The memories of the morning charm

In little towns along the way 

The cool clean air as we’re leaving

Marching down the ancient streets

That echo pilgrims through the ages. 

Still we sense our friends the angels 

To this day the bond that lasts

Across the seas, across the years

The pilgrim world that makes its journey  

Round past the planets and the stars. 

Our lonely world’s a pilgrim too

Passing through an empty space 

Nodding gently at bright stars 

That mark the way along a map

Once drawn by God, renewed each day. 

Pilgrims we, along a journey 

That leads to truth and leads to love

Far and safely have we traveled

And we will travel once again

When the new year comes around. 

When shadows shorten 

And strides are lengthened 

When we greet our brothers too

Over breakfast then tie our laces 

Heading westward once again. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

There’s something

There's something beyond us
And something between us
An invisible thread
In the Milky Way
That gathers and scatters
That joins and divides us.

The pattern of God
So near and so reaching
Beyond touching and seeing
At the pit of our being.

Asleep yet awake
Mute but yet talking
Immobile, still coursing
Each second, each day.

We see him in children
The blind and the ag-ed
In hope and in anguish
Through love and through care.

He's here and he's nowhere
Both now and forever
The gate is marked hope
Past the wall of despair.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Time - our retreating, depleting asset

(Photo: Our Lady's Island Lake, Co Wexford, January 2017).

Time bleeds out of every hour
With every year, a limb removed.
The beating hourglass
Drains the sands of life -
Imperceptibly flowing out;
Far, far away
From here and now -
To never flow
Back home again.

The tide has run
Without return.
Looking out the window
Of such short lives
We fail to gather, savour
The dear sweet moments
Dropping silently away
Stolen before our very eyes -
Strangers now and always.

The bank of time
Is running down
Deposits draining out the door.
That revolving door turns one way only
Spinning out our days
Of ordinary and not so ordinary lives.

Precious seconds
To be embraced
And now,

And now.

Portugal Beckons in May 2017!

(Photo - Bray-Greystones with Claire, Aido and Daniel)

The dice is thrown - again!

Is going to be the Portuguese Camino in May, at the second time of trying.

It may be only Barry and I walking from Porto to the Spanish/Portuguese border where we hope to be joined by Fraser, Gail, Lorraine and possible others.

We are busy doing our research with the help of the excellent travel guide by the wonderful John Brierley.

It was Einstein who opined that 'coincidences were God's way of staying anonymous'. My coincidence of the week was at our  AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project) meeting last night when a volunteer who had returned after some years absence mentioned she was considering walking the 'Camino Portugues' at Easter! What are the chances? Especially the lesser known Portuguese route!

Hard to believe that four years will have elapsed since we made our way from Sarria to Santiago and six years since did the first stages from St. Jean Pied de Port! The stages are likely to be shorter and the meals longer this time round.

I have just renewed my membership of the Camino Society of Ireland where I hope to pick up our pilgrim passports ahead of the trip.

Portugal will be a new challenge and a new delight. I am looking forward to a full day in Porto ahead of the walk when with Barry's help we hope to complete a trip up the river Duoro by boat and return by train. Then onto Vila do Conde by the coastal route, even using the beach. I hope the tide is out. The following four days should see us meander through the pretty countryside, stopping at Barcelos, Ponte de Lima and Rubiaes before arriving at Valenca on one side of the river Mino and Tui on the Spanish side.

After a day in Tui when we hope to catch up with the newly arrived pilgrim we will spend the following five days making our way to Santiago.

The pilgrimage will be both an act of gratitude for still being here with the help of pills and doctors and an act of hope for the future. There are many to think of on this trip, especially those who soldiered with us before and those bravely combating illness.

Now, back to the maps...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 10 Saturday – Buen Camino! 11th May 2013

Side Church – Cathedral of Santiago

I sat in silence for over an hour in the exquisite peace of this church, one of many off the main nave of the great Cathedral. Away from the click of tourist photos and rituals of organised prayer it was an occasion of grace and beauty. 

Caught in the reflection are two of the many candles we lit along the way and at the end of the Camino for loved ones, near and far.

Unfinished business.

We all hope to return to the Camino in the coming years.

Lorraine and I are talking of a family Camino next year. I hear talks of the Portuguese Camino, of the Northern route, of  the Primitive route, of returning to Pamplona, our favourite city, perhaps.

We do not find the Camino, it finds us.

The Camino calls.

It has changed each one of us. We each have made a little resolution to do something we had not planned ahead of the 2013 Camino.

Thank you, Joe, Josephine, Brian, Phil and Barry.

Buen Camino!

Day 9 Another special day in Santiago Friday 10th 2013


View of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela from the Park de Almeda

Friday was a fantastic day. It was the first day in eight we had not begun by packing our gear. We had a ‘lie in’ and arrived down to the hotel restaurant for a lazy breakfast at 8.30. I renamed the excellent hotel receptionist Marta, calling her –‘Santa Marta, de siempre aqui’ – ‘Saint Martha, always here’ - in acknowledgement of her being present in the hotel day and night, or so it seemed. She gave us the name and addresses of better, less expensive restaurants away from the tourist trap trail of yesterday.

Mel from Manchester

And me.

I could not attend the annual Frontline  Defenders awards ceremony which coincided with the Camino so I decided instead to wear their tee shirt. A number of pilgrims decided to look up the cause on the web on their return. Mel from Manchester took a more direct approach and produced a generous donation of sterling which is somewhere in the bottom of my rucksack. As soon as I unpack, I will send it into Charlie Lansom in Frontline in Blackrock. He will get bigger donations this year, I hope, but few more travelled.


Botafumeiro – the giant incense burner in the Cathedral of Santiago – at the Mass for Priests

Phil and I were greeted by Brian and Barry as they emerged from the 12.00 noon Pilgrims Mass. They had witnessed the star event in Santiago, the lighting of the giant thurible which we had expected yesterday at our own Pilgrims Mass. Being Ascension Thursday we expected fireworks, literally, but got none.

But we were in for a surprise. Today was the feast of St. John of Avila, better known to us as St. John of the Cross who is the patron saint of priests, in Spain at least. We decided to attend the 1.00pm Mass and were treated to two bishops and somewhere between one and two hundred priests, and wonderful singing. Happy memories of my days in the Monastery flooded back to the echoes of Gregorian chant. As the Botafumeiro flew over our heads we just hoped the lad on the rope wasn’t having a bad day.

Day 8 Santiago – Pilgrims Mass – Thursday 9th May 2013

Did I say our lodgings were damp on our first night in Santiago?

As usual we were up early and packed by 8.00 am and we moved to more expensive but vastly superior accommodation in the Hotel de Aliaga on Rua Aliaga Arriba, about five minutes from the Cathedral.

Taking no chances, Phil and I took our places in the Cathdedral at 10.30 for the 12.00 noon Pilgrims Mass. We were hoping to see the giant thurible, the Botafumeiro in action. Despite it being Ascension Thursday, sadly we did not.  I enjoyed the serenity of the Cathedral, other than the rock band warming up outside in the Cathedral Square during the Mass.

But it was cold, very cold inside. So much that when we repaired to a café I added an amaretto to it on purely medicinal grounds.

Barry, Josephine and Joe in the picture, and myself (taking the picture) decided to go on a tour of the Museum and the Cathedral. It was money very well spent. Later on, we were about to embark on a roof top tour of the Cathedral when the rock band struck up again and we could not hear ourselves. The apologetic guides returned our ticket prices. It seemed they enjoyed the noise even less than we did.

View from the cloister. We were impressed by the Cathedral. So much so we shelved the idea of spending the next day in A Coruna in favour of exploring further the delights of Santiago and its many churches.